At least once in your lifetime, you would have heard that digital marketing jobs have high salary package. You might me in wavering thoughts regarding this. One thing I can assure that Digital marketing is a booming field these days as technology continues to rise and it will have a higher demand in the future. If you are planning to make your career in the digital marketing field, do not worry, since there is a huge demand for the perfect professional.
As each brand is longing for its digital supremacy, there are a huge bulk of digital marketing agencies working on it. People with a high level of creativity can be able to excel in this field. You may be contemplating why to choose a digital marketing job when there are other jobs with higher salary package. Let’s have a closer look at that as well.
Why choose Digital Marketing as your career?
According to a report, Digital marketing is expected to create more than 2.5lakhs jobs in a year. The Digital Marketing field is both fast-growing and incredibly competitive. Those who are passionate about digital marketing as a career, it is an excellent career with long term prospects.
As per a survey by the Irish government, the digital economy is growing 10* faster than the traditional economy.

Do you know that there is a Talent Shortage in Digital Marketing Jobs?
When you take a clear look at the global picture, there are more than 3 billion people using the internet. That’s more than 40% of the total population. With +enormous users, who by-the-way create numerous data and now you can conclude why the digital marketing jobs are growing than the market can keep up. This issue is creating a talent gap between companies and organizations. On the other hand, if you are searching for your career in digital marketing, this talent gap makes a huge opportunity to showcase your skill set.
Read More: Scope of Digital Marketing & Career Growth in India
Various Digital Marketing Roles:
Brand awareness has become very crucial for a company to be able to survive in this competitive world. So, they are ready to provide a handsome amount for the digital marketing professional. Small startups need only one or two digital marketing experts, whereas, the large enterprises need a team of the digital marketing team.
Some of the top Roles in Digital Marketing today are:
Digital Marketing Executive:
The Digital Marketing executives are responsible for planning, developing, executing and managing the overall digital marketing strategy. They are also responsible for managing, directing and training digital marketers and other marketing professionals in the team. In addition, they also engage with public users via digital media and make sure about the visitor flow to digital sites. They mostly work for a retailer with online presence, financial institutions, charities, publishers, and MNCs.
The average salary for a digital marketing executive is between 1.5lakhs to 503k per annum.
SEO Analyst:
An SEO analyst is basically responsible for upholding the health of the company’s website. They work towards sustaining the website most informative and easily accessible for the target audience and also related business who searches through search engines. An SEO analyst is responsible for driving audience to company’s website and sustaining the company’s reputation in the online world. The key responsibilities off an SEO analyst are keyword research, developing SEO strategies for on and off-page of the company’s website, communicating with the content team to drive the best content to the website.
The average salary for an SEO analyst is between 1.61lakhs to 542k per annum.
Search Engine Marketer:
Search Engine Marketer aids the business to improve its ranking on various search engines like Google, Yahoo, or Bing. They provide the best critical thinking to the organization on assisting the web design and giving consultation on how to rank top in Google ranking. A Search Engine marketer uses various statistical tools to analyze the website traffic patterns to find out which part of the page works and which part of the page needs more alterations. They are also familiar with Pay-per-click advertising to make their online presence.
The average salary for a search engine marketer is between 2.5lakhs to 645kper annum.
Social Media Specialist:
Social Media Specialist is responsible for planning, executing, and monitoring the organization’s Social Media strategy to increase brand awareness, and thereby increase sales. Social Media Specialist is responsible for crafting content which meets the customer standards, developing and delivering Social Media Optimization (SMO), review and approve the content for the website on a daily basis, creating and managing various monthly promotions.
The average salary for a Social Media Specialist is 384k per annum.
Digital Marketing Team Leader:
A Digital Marketing Team leader is expected to have in-depth marketing experience and a passion for digital technologies. Digital Marketing Team Leader will work with all the teams to ensure consistency through various digital media channels. They are also expected to provide forward-thinking ideas to make your company’s strong web presence. They are also responsible for managing and improving the online content quality based on SEO and Google Analytics. He/She should observe the competition and stay up to date with the latest technologies to proactively increase the sales percentile.
The average salary for a digital marketing team leader is between 28.8Lakhs to 2.88Mper annum.
Digital Marketing Directors:
The Digital Marketing Directors built a company’s digital marketing roadmap. They manage all digital marketing channels like blogs, websites, emails, social media, etc. Measuring ROI and KPIs and preparing the budget is the major role. To develop a higher level of customer interaction, a digital marketing director develops standard campaigns. Managing and improving the online content considering SEO and Google analytics. They liaise with the product, design and sales directors to improve client satisfaction via cohesive strategies. Digital Marketing Directors needs to motivate the team to attain the goals.
The average salary for a digital marketing director is $97,086/ year.
Wrapping up:
Now that you are familiar with the digital marketing career and salary packages, I hope you could make a decision. The high paying digital marketing jobs are certainly a perk that you would like to enjoy. What are you waiting for now? Grab the opportunity to land yourself in the most demanded job and become a digital marketing specialist by having completed a certification from our academy.
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