Current Date:10th March 2025

How to Become a Full Stack Developer

Full stack developer is a person, who is responsible for the development of both the front – end and the back – end of a web application. Full stack development is a popular profession in the industry of information technology. Both online and offline training are available nowadays for people to become full stack developers.

In a web application, front – end denotes the part, which is used directly by the users. On the other hand, back – end is the hidden part, where the users issue commands for execution. We can also say that front – end is the client side of a web application and back – end is the server side of that same application. Back – end operations might either be the user validation or server configuration or database related processes or logical processes.

full stack technical skills

Technical Skills Needed for a Full Stack Developer:

Mandate skills: CSS, HTML and Javascript

Additional skills:

  • Back end programming languages like JAVA, SQL, PHP, Python and Ruby on Rails and so on.
  • Version control
  • Third party services or APIs
  • Hosting
  • Deployment
  • Databases

Steps to be Followed to Become a Full Stack Developer:

#1. Knowing all about the basic languages used for web programming:

Web Programming Language

CSS or HTML: The abbreviation for CSS is ‘Cascading Style sheets’. It gives a description about the method of displaying HTML elements on the paper, or screen or any other medium.

Javascript: Shortly denoted as JS is a high – level programming language, which is JIT compiled, interpreted and light – weight in nature.

Back – end languages: Though CSS/HTML and Javascript are the major core technologies used for website development, the following languages are also needed for the completion of back end coding:

JAVA: It is a general purpose language used for computer programming. It is also a concurrent, object – oriented and class based programming language. Once a programmer has compiled java codes, then they will be executed on all kinds of java platforms, without recompilation. Any kind of java virtual machine can be used for the execution of compiled byte codes of java apps.

Python: It is also a high – level, interpreted and general – purpose language used in computer programming. It supports programming both on small and large scales with the help of constructs.

PHP: Abbreviated as ‘Hypertext Preprocessor’ is a scripting language used on the server side of computer programs.

Ruby on Rails: It is an MIT licensed web app framework used on the server side of computer programs. It offers default structures for web pages, web services or databases.

SQL: Abbreviated as ‘Structured Query Language’ is a domain specific computer programming language that performs data manipulation, storage and retrieval in relational databases.

#2. Improving knowledge:

Web Developer Knowledge

Enhancement of knowledge is a must for a web developer. He must be aware of the recent technical updates posted day to day. He must be excellent in the basics of web development such as HTML or CSS and JavaScript. Then only he can be able to analyse and understand about the complex concepts of web development. He can enhance his coding skills by having a thorough knowledge in the concepts of programming. Such concepts generally involve the knowledge related to the following:

  • Environments of website hosting
  • Functioning of servers
  • Types, properties and uses of data structures
  • Database management strategies
  • Technologies used for programming
  • Formulation of algorithms
  • Networking concepts.

If a web developer is proficient in the usage of java script language, then he can test his knowledge by creating various test pages on websites. He can also be able to apply the learned testing concepts in those sites.

A successful web developer must have the potential to combine the various pieces of a web application, in order for a single whole piece to be created. For this, he needs to have a better understanding about each and every part in the system, their role and working procedure and the connections between them.

#3. Basic understanding on all kinds of web technologies and a detailed understanding of one particular technology:

Web Technologies

Simply a web developer is expected to have understanding on a particular technology and language used in the process of website development. For example, a PHP developer should know all the concepts related to PHP. Similarly, a JAVA developer should be expertise in the JAVA related concepts. But, a full stack developer should have understanding on the basics of all kinds of web developing technologies. Hence this profession of full stack development have a greater scope in the IT field. Also, the full stack developers are getting higher pay rates, in comparison with the other IT related professions.

A full stack developer should realize that learning is a never – ending process in his lifetime, since he is expected to be expertise in all areas of information technology. But at the same time, he should also be aware of the fact that he need not know completely about all the technologies and instead, proficiency in any one technology is more than enough for his career. Usually experience will enhance the skill and knowledge. Selection of an unique and efficient technology with higher scope is an important aspect. Selection of such best technologies will enable the developers to deliver excellent work and to compete with others.

#4. Get certified in a web development course:

Web Development Course

Full stack developers should keep on knowing a variety of innovative concepts. Taking virtual courses related to full stack development is a better option for them to keep on learning things that are very much relevant to their profession. Another option for them is to take any online course available on the internet for learning development related concepts. Some of such concerns providing online technical courses include Codecademy, and treehouse and so on. It doesn’t mean that all the institutes that are offering courses at costlier rates will provide quality teaching. Some institutes offer quality training at cheaper rates too. Hence the real challenge lies in the selection of better institute with comfortable options. We should always look for those institutes that provide good practical and theoretical exposure in a short span of time. Also another import aspect to be considered here is that the selected institute should posses skillful and knowledgeable mentors and tutors for clarification of doubts.

#5. Acquire some sort of practical exposure:

Practical Exposure

The actual beauty of the process of full stack development lies in the fact that the developers should utilize or apply their acquired knowledge practically in any one of the technical application. Implementation of developmental steps in a right environment is an essential thing in the process of website development. But in order for the developers to get such practical exposure, they need to be aware of the following aspects:

  • Correct and perfect code structuring
  • Utilization of right data structures
  • Perfect file separation
  • Computational task locating, both on the client and the server side
  • Hosting of big media files on a better platform.

Most of the popular companies are looking for developers with better practical exposure and greater coding abilities. They even hire individuals without a professional degree, if the they know all about the coding strategies involved in the process of development.

#6. Acquire assignments additionally:


A full stack developer should also show their interest in working with some different assignments in the company, which they are working for. This means that it will be better for them to choose some additional projects, apart from their usual working procedure. By doing so, they can be able to upgrade their skills and talents to the next level. In addition, it will also be a plus for the organization they are working for.


At the start, the profession of full stack development may look hectic and complex. But it will become normal and easier with the increase of experience. But experience itself will not help a developer to survive in his profession. Along with the experience, the developers should also upgrade their skill sets accordingly.

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