Current Date:18th October 2024

Top Reasons to Choose PHP Developer as Your Career

“Explore the top reasons to choose a career as a PHP developer: high demand, versatility, open-source nature, vast community support, and endless web development opportunities.”

PHP is used as primary language for creating web application now-a-days. The use of PHP language in India has spurted in the recent past. When we think about reliability, PHP becomes the primary choice among all other languages. The PHP allow the programmers to perform customizations, features like carts, product images, logos etc in short period of time.

PHP holds a top 10 position in the TIOBE Programming Community Index, and scored top 3 in the PYPL index.

What is PHP?

In short, PHP is built up from the C programming language, and which uses idiosyncratic HTML-like tags (or sigils) to contain its code. PHP initially stood for “Personal Home Page.” Because that pretty thoroughly constrained the meaning and desirability of using the language for general use.

Why PHP becomes the Hot Topic?

  • PHP is used for most of the banking and e-commerce sites.
  • It becomes so popular after Mark Zuckerberg built facebook using PHP.
  • It is purely web-based server language but other languages have the ability to build platforms for any platform.
  • 81% percent of web-servers using PHP

What exactly a PHP job is?

PHP Developers are responsible for writing server-side web application logic. PHP developers connect the application with the third-party web services, and also often required to develop and integrate plugins for certain popular frameworks.

Duties of PHP Developer

  • Develop, and maintain web-based PHP applications on all service platforms.
  • Interact with functional consultants to design write parameters.
  • Write all clean object-oriented PHP as well as efficient SQL.
  • Test and verify the developed solutions that meets the requirements.

Payscale of PHP

According to the survey 2016-17, the trend of SEO has led to rise in the development of websites. Hence, Most of the enterprises expect that the websites should be cost-effective and allows faster updates.

PHP Developer Salary – India

Average salary earned by PHP developer is 240,200 per year. With the skills earned, people are jumping into higher positions in the short-time period.

Hiring Demand for PHP developers

Most of the PHP Developers are hired on freelance and hourly basis by large organizations. PHP is the most in-demand skill set that the developers should have. Learning PHP creates more financial opportunities.

Top Reasons to Choose PHP developer as your career

Easy to Learn

PHP is designed to make the web developments easier so many beginners find it effortless to get started. PHP code was easy to learn as it resembles Java, C and Perl.


As PHP is open-source, the support documentation are available easy in online. PHP is the scripting language which has high user base.

PHP as a web development tool

Most of the organizations like Facebook, Yahoo, Wikipedia, runs on PHP. Domains like e-commerce, CRM, are structured in PHP.

Open Source

Most of the web-developers and IT decision-makers prefers PHP for web development as it is available for free.


Since PHP is an embedded language, it easily meets integration needs. Though it is usually recommended to use it with HTML, PHP is successfully integrated with JavaScript, WML, XML, and other programming languages. There are no problems with browser exposure because all the scripts are compiled on the server side.

Easier to fix problems

PHP is a dynamic language means there is no logic on how to develop so that users can have more flexibility in solving problems using different procedures. Furthermore, PHP forgives errors sometimes, so user can able to compile and run your program if the bug doesn’t deal with problematic section.


OOPS principle introduced in PHP5 to help building complex, and reusable web applications.


With PHP, we can develop and support scalable projects and can generate multiple pages with more customized settings. Since PHP is transparent, it takes less time to understand.

Framework Availability

PHp has huge user base community because there are more number of PHP frameworks available. Popular frameworks are Symfony, Zend, Silex, and Slim.

Compatible with a host of OS

PHP code is compatible with all major platforms from Linux to Windows, Unix, and MacOS. Most of the servers and databases are supported. THat’s why PHP is often chosen for creating cross-platform applications.

Job Opportunities

PHP is widely used by major websites so there could be consistent demand for PHP developers. Many e-commerce shopping carts are built using PHP and also it becomes a popular choice for all online business markets. Magento and WooCommerce and the most popular CMS, WordPress, have been built in PHP.

Better Performance

PHP application runs on linux operating system which has very good performance when it is compared to other languages. Over other programming languages, PHP will not create more fuss while hosting. PHP has better speed.PHP known for its quick turn around time because that plays most important factor for enhancing the performance of any website.

CMS Development

Websites made using PHP are more customized and programmers are influencing according to the needs as most of the content management systems are using PHP alone.

Dynamic and Flexible

PHP is quite simple to widen the language to satisfy the requirements of businesses as the modular systems are integrated with variety of libraries.


PHP has large collection of tools for frameworks, certifications, publishers and supervisors. With the large features, end-results can be customized according to the business requirements.


PHP is the standard tool provides wonderful features and functionality without providing more commitment to writing. PHp not only provides these features but also it is more secure

Less Time Consuming

As PHP is object-oriented, the code can be reusable. Thus, time and effort can be saved in developments. Multiple frameworks were used and they offers fat and secure development.

Market Dominant

Many of them have told that Ruby, PYthon, and node.js have been made revolution in the programming language. But, most of the MNCs still they are using PHP as their framework.


When come across the websites while browsing, most of them will have the extension as php.

Regular Updates

There has been regular updates in frameworks and technologies to modify the usage of PHP.

Inbuilt database Support

PHP is integrated with most popular databases such as My SQL so the database can be used without the installation of drivers. Thus, PHP gained a successful place owing to the PHP My Admin tool.

Extensions and Add-ons

PHP is the most adaptable language in web development. Developers can develop new functionalities to make the users/readers hooked. Add-ons helps the beginners to solve programming challenges.

Future Scope of PHP Developer

PHP has gained more popularity all over the world. Moreover, PHP has been adopted by millions of business sites. Most of the MNCs prefer PHP for web development. PHP has have high scope in future market. Be prepared with more logics rather than learning for job sake to complete with future market.

87% of the web servers are using PHP. PHP developers are most wanted developers in the market. With so many sites are built using PHP, the demand and need also going to rise in upcoming years.

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